Costa Women Blogs

Stressful Thoughts Suppress Your Immune System.
Science proves having fearful, anxious thoughts can actually suppresses your immune system. Learn how to have more control over your thoughts for your well being!
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Coping with change during COVID-19: COMING TO TERMS WITH THE ‘N
Adapted from the APS Tip Sheet  The ever-changing landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many people experiencing heightened levels of anxiety, increased depression and concern that this state of constant change has become our new normal. This information sheet highlights some strategies to help you cope with change, deal with uncertainty and boost your resilience as we look to a future beyond the COVID-19 crisis. People all around the world have experienced a fundamental shift to their way of life due to the coronavirus (COVID-19). For many in Barcelona, this has meant adapting to a range of challenges including working from home, remote learning, social distancing and wearing face masks when out of their home. While infection rates started to decrease, and restrictions begin to ease, there is always the possibility we may have re-enter lockdown as we continue to experience a high number of daily cases. Below are some strategies to help you manage stress and cope with change during this challenging time. Be aware of what you can (and can’t) control COVID-19 has resulted in significant changes to the way people live, work and socialise. For most people these changes have resulted from factors outside of their control (e.g., government imposed restrictions), which has led to feelings of uncertainty about a range of issues, including financial security, employment, relationships, and their physical and mental health. Feelings of uncertainty can cause us to feel stressed and anxious. Rather than dwelling on things outside of your control, increase your sense of security and stability by focusing on what you can do to improve your situation. Strategies you may have used at the beginning of the pandemic to manage your stress and anxiety will continue to be of benefit. These include: Taking reasonable precautions to prevent transmission, for example, practise good hand hygiene, keep 1.5 meters apart from others where possible, wear a face mask, get tested as soon as you develop any symptoms, and stay at home if unwell.  Keeping up-to-date with factual information about COVID-19 from reliable sources such as the  Government’s health alert or updates from other trusted organisations such as the World Health Organization.  Limit your media exposure so you are able to stay informed but not alarmed. Recognise when you are feeling vulnerable or overwhelmed and limit your exposure to the news at these times.  Practise self-care to help develop a positive frame of mind. This may involve keeping in regular contact with family and friends (e.g., via telephone or videoconference), maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle, and/or practising relaxation, meditation or mindfulness. Reframe your thoughts It is easy to focus on the negatives when change is forced upon you and many decisions are out of your control. It is important, however, that you challenge these negative thoughts and develop more helpful and constructive ways of thinking. Examples of negative thoughts people may experience as a result of our changed circumstances include:  Wearing a face mask is uncomfortable and inconvenient: Depending on where you live, face masks may be mandatory when leaving home, including when in the workplace. Rather than focusing on the mask being a bother, try and think of it as a barrier against the virus that is helping prevent the spread and stopping you from getting sick.  I will never be able to travel again: Due to travel restrictions, most people will be unable to travel overseas (or even interstate) for the foreseeable future. Rather than thinking about where you can’t go, think about all of your local travel options and see it as a way of boosting the local economy. Working from home is difficult and complicated: Given the current need to practise social (physical) distancing, many people are encouraged (or required) to work from home where possible. While this may present some challenges, try and see it as an opportunity to reduce travel time, spend quality time with the people or pets you live with, and a chance to re-engage with hobbies you enjoy. Problem-solve COVID-19 has no end-date and it may be something we have to learn to live with until a vaccine and/or treatment is developed. Problem-solving techniques can help us work through the ongoing challenges we face as part of our ‘new normal’. Structured problem-solving involves identifying the problem, developing a range of potential solutions and selecting one that is consistent with your personal values and needs. For example, you may be concerned about some of the following issues:  Staying connected with friends and family: Current recommendations advise practising social distancing in order to prevent or slow the spread of COVID-19. It is important to realise, however, that social distancing does not mean social disconnection. If you are unable to see loved ones in person, find new ways to stay connected such as virtual catch-ups.  Not being able to follow normal routines: Some restrictions may mean that you are unable to engage in activities you previously enjoyed, such as going to the gym or attending a sporting event. Get creative so you can continue to engage in these activities (e.g., enrol in online classes) and incorporate them into your weekly routine.  Anxiety about life after lockdown: Returning to life after lockdown may bring a sense of relief but also a feeling of apprehension. People may worry about their risk of catching COVID-19 but also feel anxious about whether they will be able to go back to ‘normal’. Take your time readjusting to post-lockdown life and focus on rebuilding relationships. You may find it helpful to weigh up the pros and cons of reestablishing old routines such as catching public transport or eating in restaurants. The constantly evolving nature of COVID-19 also means you should be prepared for another phase of lockdown should the situation worsen. Allow yourself to grieve the ‘old normal’ Many people are beginning to miss the pleasures of their old way of life and are grieving the loss of safety and predictability that has resulted from COVID-19. Grief is a natural reaction to loss or change of any kind and it is important to give yourself time to adjust to new routines and activities. Dealing with feelings of sadness and loss can make us feel like we are ‘on an emotional roller coaster’ which can cause our behaviour to be unpredictable. This can lead to tensions and conflicts with the people we live with and they may not know how to best support us. Being able to communicate honestly about how you are feeling and how you can support each other may reduce or avoid potential conflict. Remember, many people will be sharing a similar experience to you so don’t be afraid to share your feelings and be open to accepting help and support from others if needed. Reach out to Therapy in Barcelona if you need support. Read our other blogs about Covid: Lockdown Fatigue Love in the Time of Covid COVID-19: Psychological Impact, Wellbeing and Mental Health Tips for Couples At Home with Kids Due to Covid-19 Supporting Kids in Quarantine Ideas for Staying Sane in Coronavirus Lockdown Tips for Coping with Coronavirus Anxiety in Barcelona Leigh Matthews is the Founder and Director of Therapy in Barcelona Passionate about supporting the international community, Therapy in Barcelona’s international team of therapists work with adults, couples, children, adolescents and families ONLINE or IN OFFICE in Barcelona.  
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Awakening to Realise YOU are Body, Mind AND Spirit...
  Awakening to Realise YOU are Spirit too…   It is 2020 and IAM in celebration mode as I sense more and more people awakening to realise the Human Game we are all playing in… unconsciously and consciously. Awakening to realise we are so much more than our programmed Body and Mind and the roles we play.   We are Spirit, Consciousness, Love, God too, powerful and magnificent light beings having a Human experience… who have over the millennia disconnected from this truth.   Team Dark are certainly ramping up their end game, with their confusing, limited and fearful narratives through governments and media to keep as many in a hypnotic and powerless state as possible.   However, with thanks to the high frequency of light being received from our solar and galactic suns, many are seeing through the charade and realising they can no longer trust their leaders. They are understanding they must now go within, to reconnect with their inner Divine guidance and be guided through this great shift of consciousness and Ascension Journey.   Choosing for yourself is by no means an easy journey, it takes courage as you will find yourself alone and vulnerable. It takes dedication and compassion to embrace all of yourself, the dark and the light and fully surrender your identity or ego to your Divine self.   Back in 2014, together with my Divine brothers and sisters we began journaling our own Awakening Journey and how we were experiencing our Ascension. How we were raising our vibration from fear to love that allowed us to be able to see the bigger picture and the Magnificent World we live in; a field full of new potential to play in.    Over a period of 4 years we created and published a series of 3 Free E-Books of our True Awakening stories… to inspire and support YOU as you naturally Awaken and experience this great Shift or Change.    Today IAM sharing two stories from my friends Pat and Margo, to help inspire you to look at your own life and realise your own truth and sovereign freedom.     Pat’s Awakening Experience…    Inspired To Propagate Inward Beauty… Pat…   Self-realization, that perspective that propels you to search within and release that true self, the real you that is waiting to be ignited. I was tickled by the realization that I can actually steer the wheels of my life in whatever direction my heart desired.   I remember, I was about eleven years old when I decided that I wanted to be the bearer of goodness and hope. This light flashed before my eyes and I knew that doing things the simple way without that extraordinary touch was a road I did not wish to travel.   Excellence was what I chased but sometimes I felt that it was chasing me and there was nowhere to hide. Not that I wanted to hide anyway. I was shy, quiet, very much an introvert, a nerd, a bookworm. I found peace in the bosom of a book. I was known to sit in the corner noticing, observing and dreaming about what could be and have not been.   The question was ‘How do I translate my thoughts into my life’.   The journey to self-improvement began. Awareness of me with an appreciation and awareness of others. I became concerned with how I interacted with the world and preoccupied with the energy that I transmit. I wanted to grow and develop and become a better person so that I can have a more positive influence in the world.   Patinspire emerged from that journey allowing me to release my thoughts to the world and share the positivity.   Unfortunately Pat’s website is no longer active and I don’t know how to connect with her now.     Margo’s Awakening Experience…   “For those who have an intense urge for Spirit and wisdom, it sits near them, waiting.” – Patanjali *   I once lived in a modern house under a canopy of old growth oaks. We had a wooden swing hanging from a high branch out front, perfectly centered for viewing through a wall of windows.   The house was knocked down for the value of the land when we left; all of my beautiful possessions were sold in an estate sale, yet it still exists for me, not with regret, but with joy of a place I once inhabited. The mirror of this experience loves to show me the transient nature of our material world; houses, possessions, our very bodies are one way for a while then everything changes – there is no thing to hold on to in this world. There is no thing that I can grasp with my hand that will be forever the way it is right now.   I move along by some invisible force beckoning, a god-sized finger points down the road a ways, a tap on my shoulder asks me to turn around, the ground trembles, then finally earthquakes break the earth wide open beneath my feet; I fall endlessly it seems into the abyss, no house, no perceived security, a future written in permanent ink now disappears off a page that never was ~ yet some thing never stops interrupting the regularly scheduled program.   In the searching for some meaning, I’ve joined belief systems and left them only to create new ones to define who I thought I was. I’ve been Presbyterian, Southern Baptist, Agnostic, Jewish (conservative, orthodox, reconstructionist, renewal, cabalistic, reform); then I felt the pull toward Buddhism, Taoism, random philosophy, the Vedas, and now finally I have found the label I shall wear forever; finally I have found a practice that suits me. I am a Cannibal. Eating the flesh of other humans has allowed me to come full circle to my Christian roots……..Are you still reading?   NO, REALLY… NOW there are No More Labels. Finally, nothing – but an ongoing realization that when I ask, What is next? I am answered, for that is the way the mystery has always spoken to me, bit by bit, pulling me in the moment to what is next. I believed myself to be abandoned many times, but in the urge and asking, I was never left that way for good.   I have died (or have gone to the other side for a bit), and returned by choice to raise my daughters. I’ve had a post childbirth/near-death experience depression that turned into a dark cave-dark night of the soul – that actually saved me.   If I had not given myself the experience of exploring my shadow, and of feeling the discomfort of the life I had chosen, if it had not gotten really, bloody uncomfortable, I might have lived the life of obligation and slow decay – so strong was my conditioned programming! Here comes an apt quote given to me at a pivotal time from one of my key holders: SeeingM:   “Barn’s burnt down – Now I can see the moon.” – Masahide   My barn had to burn down. It felt tragic, but now I have come to a place where I would bring marshmallows for the event – most days .   My own confusion has wrought an imaginary sort of havoc; I’ve run around like a fool screaming fire more times than I can recall, but I’ve come to see those emergencies were of my own making. I am okay. I’ve always been okay.   Books often were the tool the mystery used to talk to me, though, at some points, people with the keys to my locked doors have magically appeared at the critical times they were needed. These gifts from spirit are just as real as the laundry to be folded, the dishes to be washed, the papers to be graded that I can touch with my hands.   Lately, I am picking up on signals through people, numbers, patterns, flow and cilantro. ha! Not cilantro, but maybe someday. That word just wanted to be there.   One of the most profound visitations I’ve had was invisible to everyone around me; it occurred in a moment, and filled me with the assurance that I have tapped into throughout these many years – I have been shown how much I am loved and connected to love.   This meaningful moment for me occurred in my beautiful, modern house in my fancy neighborhood days with small children. I was overwhelmed with fatigue and drain and disconnect in the task of taking care of my girls in days that seemed to go on and on.   My thyroid was beginning to not function so well, so I was exhausted all of the time without knowing why. I was sitting on the couch in our breakfast nook next to the kitchen, surrounded by such wonderful windows but drowning in sheer exhaustion. I just prayed a simple phrase, “help me through.“   In that moment, the most powerful and all encompassing love whooshed into my body – enough to make me swoon. I was flooded with love so big, I disappeared. What Iam describing was physical and real, and utterly unexplainable. I can’t articulate just what happened. It helped me through that day, but more importantly, the memory of some thing that personal and profound that answered me has helped me through these last 10 years of challenge.   As my life spiraled into outwardly seeming disarray, I had an inner knowing of this love that came when I called. I was given a gift to get me through, to help me know I wasn’t alone, to pull me out of a cave, to pull me out of a marriage that could no longer work, to exhibit independence and strength to my daughters who were being sucked into the undertow of their father’s mental plight.   More and more the wash of bliss seems to be a normal flow. Behind the tasks of every moment is a spaciousness full of love, and humor, so forgive my silliness; to me Awakening is not serious business but more a coming back to who I am, have always been, but forgot for a bit. This original self is known by the comfort she embodies. She is usually ready with a laugh, a dance, a deep breath, a stop for looking at the sky or a bug crawling by.   If it isn’t a momentary awakening experience like Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie, then perhaps it is just this walking along, and getting pulled along, going along, trusting the path to strip and refurbish – a cosmic car wash. And boy, do we shine, so scrubbed and buffed at the end. And boy, are we held during the tough, bristle-brushrubbings. What mystery pulls me forth, I do not know, but conveying through I am, glancing right and left as I go, seeing you and you and you along the ride with me, fractally small, connected to all, falling in love with a cat at the foot of my bed.   You can read more about Marga’s journey on her website…     Affects and Changes of the Awakening Earth and the Humanity   The Earth and Humankind are all part of a Natural Shift of Consciousness that is occurring now. Our solar system finds itself surrounded by a higher expansional energy; a new energy that we have called forth in our declaration for no more fear, greed and power-mongering.    It is an energy that resonates with LOVE. Love that Humans have learned to FEEL here on Earth. A love that creates DivineHumanBeings, allowing them to live in a peaceful and harmonious surrounding on Earth.    This new energy, of intense light actually affects the magnetic make-up of our whole solar system. Creating intense magnetic storms on our sun, where strong solar flares reach the Earths orbit and interfere with the magnetics within the Earth and the Human Being.   The Human body contains millions of tiny magnetic particles that interconnect through Human antennas to the Earth’s magnetic field, enabling the Human to receive and transmit consciousness which influence the physical body and all its internal systems.   The interference of the magnetic field is causing a cleansing effect on Earth, physical shifting and shaking the earth and her inhabitants, creating unusual weather patterns and within the Human Being; cleansing people from all their fears and yesterdays. It is actually the most beautiful gift that we can receive.  Intense light to naturally awaken our consciousness, changing our DNA and crystalising our molecules. Our inner light, our being is being ignited anew, clearing our body of past debris, burning away everything that no longer serves us, leaving nothing but pure love and passion within each Human Being and the Earth.   During this Shift in Consciousness… our Awakening is affecting our mental, emotional and physical bodies, pulling us all ways and putting us through some uncomfortable and painful times. Not only are we integrating and releasing all our own past life patterns and karma that no longer serves us, but that of all our ancestors that have lived before us.    Our Body Consciousness; Body, Mind and Spirit is naturally finding a new balance.   It is most important neither to fight nor to give in, but to trust that everything is all so perfect. This is our journey that we have chosen to live now so let’s enjoy the ride and allow our Embodied Ascension to happen quite naturally.   Awakening Symptoms   Physical… Aches and pains in the joints, especially neck, shoulders and back, heat sensations beyond the menopause, feeling hot and cold, feeling dizzy and shaky, vertigo, ringing in the ears, nauseous, itchy skin, red patchy skin especially the face, exhaustion and feeling tired, waking up a lot, headaches and migraine, stomach aches and indigestion, no appetite, extremes of diarrhea and constipation, eating a lot, heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat    Emotional… Crying, deep sadness, confused, nervousness, passionless    Mental… Anxious, intense dreaming, loneliness, not thinking straight, losing words, depressed    Barbara’s suggestions for more comfort   Consciously breathing in the new energy, especially in painful areas for at least 10 mins. a day, healthy daily eating of protein, good fats, lots of fruit and veg, drink plenty of fresh water, moderate use of caffeine, coffee, tea and alcohol, positive and loving self talk, soaking the body in Epsom salts and lavender oil, walking in nature or some form of gentle exercise you enjoy 20 mins a day, sleep a lot… napping through the day if possible, trust yourself… even when doubt tries to creep into your mind.   You can download our FREE 3 part series of True Awakening Experiences here…   True Awakening Experiences Part I ©2014   True Awakening Experiences… Part II ©2016   True Awakening Experiences… Part III ©2018 ©Barbara Franken… Creative Visionary & Master CreatorInspiring New Energy Consciousness & Multi-Dimensional Living       A paperback and Digital Book is available from all Major online stores… Amazon and Apple.  I share my own magical journey, exploring Who I AM with the help of nine Elemental Beings and expand from a world of fear, struggle and limitation into a New Energy Consciousness of love, grace and freedom. It is in this loving space that I discover my Divine and ALL LOVING self and allow myself to integrate together as one Body Consciousness… a DivineHumanBeing… and Magnificent Master Creator who expresses and creates heart and soul passion on the physical plane and beyond..    Join my MasterCreator Class and emerge yourself in the celebration of life through dance, song, art, relaxed inner journeys and beyond everything known… preparing yourself for your NEW role on New Earth.   There is no time like the present moment to Sign Up and give YOURSELF this magnificent gift… More Info: MasterCreator Class     All the money raised from my books and classes go to my non-profit association The Magnificent Consciousness that holds free local Creative Art projects in Benalmadena, Spain.
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Post Surgery Anti Inflammation Diet
In a recent newsletter I referenced this article talking about how our bodies interact with the food we eat. A quote that jumped out at me was: Recently recovering from a minor surgical procedure, the physician and author Siddhartha Mukherjee mused that he was able to turn to medicine for anti-inflammatories and antibiotics targeted to his recovery from the surgical wound, but there was no good information about what he should eat to assist in the healing process. I joked that he should have asked Lisa, our Digestive Health Expert for a list. So obviously we did just that! Why does inflammation matter after surgery? Inflammation is your body’s response to trauma. It makes the “unhappy” area hot and swollen to stop you moving it as much and to help fight infection. It is a REALLY important protection system. Except that, after surgery, it kind of gets in the way – because this is intentional trauma – we don’t want the body to be “unhappy” about it. If the area gets swollen and hot it slows down the good stuff getting in (including the medication your doctor gave you!) and the bad stuff getting out. So we want to help your body do it’s best job of healing and recovering as quickly as possible. We want to: Increase healthy fats like linoleic acid and Omegas 3 and 6 Reduce other fats which contribute to inflammation Increase micronutrients, vitamins and minerals Increase fibre and antioxidants Stabilise blood pressure and blood sugar levels What to Eat Fruits: strawberries, oranges, lemons, blackberries, limes, raspberries, pears, apples, blueberries, etc. Vegetables: all the colours of the rainbow- tomatoes, asparagus, garlic, cucumber, broccoli, cabbage, bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, onions, ginger, etc. Nuts: almonds, cashews, pecans, pistachios, macadamia nuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts (best ground or soaked) Seeds: hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, flaxseeds (best ground or soaked) Legumes: black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, lima beans, chickpeas, lentils (avoid when inflamed!!) Whole grains: quinoa, barley, buckwheat, millet, brown rice (avoid when inflamed!!) Healthy fats: cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, MCT oil, grass-fed butter, ghee, avocado oil Dairy products: goat or sheep products are generally gentler on the gastrointestinal system, kefir, probiotic yogurt contain “friendly bacteria” Meat: grass-fed beef, lamb, venison, wild game Fish: wild-caught salmon, tuna, mackerel, anchovies, sardines Poultry: organic chicken, turkey, goose, duck Organic eggs Condiments: hummus, guacamole, apple cider vinegar, mild mustard, mild salsa, balsamic vinegar, liquid aminos acids (alternative to soy sauce) Herbs and spices: basil, oregano, rosemary, turmeric, cinnamon, cumin, black pepper, etc. (Not the spicy ones) Natural sweeteners: 100% stevia, organic/ raw honey, maple syrup, dates, coconut palm sugar Beverages: water, tea, kombucha, bone broth Foods to Avoid Just as important as filling up on the right foods is limiting your consumption of unhealthy, pro-inflammatory ingredients. These are often foods typically high in calories, sodium and added sugars. Refined grains: white rice, pasta, white bread, breakfast cereals Added sugars: (usually anything packaged) i.e. fizzy drinks, cartoned juices, sweets, cookies, granola bars, baked goods, ice cream Unhealthy fats: refined vegetable oils, hydrogenated fats, fried foods Processed/ cured meats and poultry Farmed fish Processed foods: crisps, frozen meals, microwave popcorn, processed meats, instant noodles, etc. What Next? If you need a more personalised plan you can book a consultation with Lisa to discuss your specific needs. Or contact us for more information via email, WhatsApp on 699703936 or phone on 952 883 151.
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From Having it All to Doing it All
I am hearing so many women in business talking about overload these days. Husbands/partners shutting themselves away with their laptops to do busywork whilst the women are burdened with home schooling, shopping, feeding everyone 24/7, keeping on top of housework AND trying to run their businesses or careers from home.  In a 2017 article for Harvard Business Review, Aviva Wittenberg-Cox wrote: “Professionally ambitious women really only have two options when it comes to their personal partners — a super-supportive partner or no partner at all. Anything in between ends up being a morale- and career-sapping morass.” But what if you’ve already made your pick and, under the pressures of the pandemic, he has withdrawn support to focus on ‘his work’, whilst you struggle on largely alone with housework & children? What if you thought you’d signed up for a marriage of equals, only to find that the equality was conditional on your partner’s career not being disturbed by your success?  It seems that, while women often describe their husbands as ‘supportive’, that support doesn’t usually extend to those husbands altering their own work schedule or increasing their share of the domestic workload. They tell their wives “You can do whatever you want to do.” But then do very little to enable their wives to reach their full potential in their businesses or careers. And the challenges of this pandemic have widened the cracks in the facade of equality. The pressures on working women have become intolerable. And what’s more, many employers are penalising women for being forced to work from home. There have been complaints about background noise during Zoom meetings, and some women have even been fired as a consequence.  A man seen to be juggling domestic responsibilities is a hero. A woman, apparently, is expected to work as though she has none. Things have to change. Women need to negotiate assertively with their life partners for a more equitable allocation of household tasks. We must learn to ask for what we need – without feeling we’re failing – and shift some of the emotional & mental burden onto the shoulders of the men we share our lives with. We need them to stop ‘helping’ and to start being fully responsible for their share. It’s their home too, their children, their mess, their laundry etc.  So, if you want your partner to step up, make time for a conversation. Be specific about what he needs to do. Be clear that he must accept full responsibility and not expect to be reminded or policed. Don’t volunteer to do the nagging. Remind him: Happy wife, happy life.   
How to get married in Spain
How to get married in Spain Did you know that legally, there is only one type of marriage in Spain? All marriages must be legally contracted and registered in the Civil Registry. This means that regardless of its form of celebration, religious or otherwise, there are actually two parts to your special day – your marriage and your wedding, and that my friends is where the fun can begin! What is the difference between a marriage and a wedding? Simply put, marriage is the legal contract between a couple. It consists of a bare minimum of words (in the UK this is as little as 40 words!) plus your names and a witnessed entry to an official register. The wedding is the ceremonial celebration – that’s it! “Legalmente, sólo existe un tipo de matrimonio: el civil. De manera independiente a su forma de celebración, para el pleno reconocimiento del mismo es necesaria su inscripción en el Registro Civil.” Why separate your marriage from your wedding? If you “get married in church” in Spain, you still have to register your marriage with the Civil Registry. So even though you may have a religious wedding ceremony, until your minister can register your marriage, you are not actually married! When you understand that the marriage and the wedding are two different things you can begin to appreciate the situation here in Spain but this can be a huge positive and widen your options enormously! You do not have to have your marriage and your wedding at the same time You can have your marriage and your wedding on two different days You can have your wedding celebration before you contract your marriage You can have your wedding celebration after you contract your marriage You can contract your legal marriage without any wedding ceremony What is a “destination wedding”? This separation of “marriage” and “wedding” is also the case in the majority of countries around the world too. This makes is super-easy for couples to legally contract their marriage in their home country, then travel to Spain for a wedding ceremony in the Spanish sunshine. A destination wedding can include as much or as little of the traditional wording as you like, with personalised elements, rituals and readings throughout, to create a unique ceremony officiated by a “maestro de ceremonia”, celebrant or wedding officiant. Can I get legally married in Spain? So here’s the thing, you need Spanish nationality to legally contract your marriage in Spain. Residency in Spain is not enough, you need to either be a Spanish national, to have been granted Spanish nationality or be marrying a Spanish national. You can legally contract your marriage before a judge, a mayor or a designated official. Documentation required to get married in Spain What other options are there to getting married in Spain? If you do not have Spanish nationality or are not marrying a Spaniard and cannot return to your home country to contract your marriage, you might consider the register office at the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar as an alternative on the doorstep of the Costa del Sol – read How to Get Married in Gibraltar Another popular option, that recognises the legitimacy of your relationship with regard to your legal standing (always take advice depending on your circumstances!) is the Spanish version of a Civil Partnership, namely “Pareja de Hecho” which is much simpler to achieve with local information available at your “ayuntamiento” or council office. Whatever you choose, don’t forget the wedding celebration! And contact me soon to save your date!   Author biography: Debbie Skyrme is an award winning celebrant officiating bilingual elopements, vow renewals and wedding ceremonies across southern Spain. Debbie is a well-known wedding blogger for some of the top bridal publications, she has a legally registered Spanish business, is a former UK registrar and has lived full-time in Spain for over a decade where she can also be found gigging with her band along the Costa Tropical. Visit Debbie’s web site Follow Debbie on Facebook Follow Debbie on Instagram  
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